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Most people are aware of the existence of hazardous materials such as lead and asbestos which make demolition and renovation projects more complicated.  There are several other materials that competent and professional contractors consider when beginning such projects.  These include PCBs, Mercury, Freon, Fluorescent Light Bulbs, and others.  When ENCO is your contractor of choice, we will ensure that any Hazardous or Regulated Materials are properly handled, containerized, and disposed.  You can relax knowing that your health and financial liability are in good hands.


Hazardous Materials


Vermiculite is a mineral utilized as an insulation in wall cavities and attics.  It is also commonly used in fertilizers and potting soil.  Vermiculite is generally not considered to be hazardous in itself.  However, most vermiculite mined prior to 2000 originated from mines that are contaminated with asbestos.  As such, most vermiculite installed, except for the past ten years, is considered to be contaminated with asbestos dust.  For this reason, the Federal EPA and the Connecticut Department of Public Health require that all vermiculite insulation be treated like asbestos.



Some unscrupulous contractors will tell you that vermiculite doesn't contain asbestos or may even tell you that it can be tested by a laboratory.  This is not true!  Improperly handling vermiculite insulation may exposure your family to a deadly carcinogen.


We can help.  ENCO will properly remove vermiculite insulation, protecting the health of you and your family.

PCBs, Mercury, Freon, Batteries, Etc.

The handling and disposal of Hazardous or Regulated Materials such as PCBs, Mercury, Freon, Batteries, Fluorescent Bulbs, and household chemicals is regulated by the EPA and CTDEEP.  Many renovation and/or demolition projects impact these materials.  It is important that these materials are properly handled and disposed.  


ENCO is familiar with these materials and where they may be located.  You can count on ENCO to identify the locations of these materials in light bulbs, smoke detectors, air conditioners, caulks, glazes, paints, etc.  We will ensure that these materials are safely handled and disposed of properly.

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